-Flash Reviews - Carnival, Ghosts & Zombies, oh my! - 3 Graphic Novels -

11:30 AM

51-M6-Ro-Ia5b-LIn this book, we are following Haly's traveling circus and in this circus, we follow the Flying Grayson's who is a family trapeze artist. Within this family, we follow Dock Graysons. However, he is tired of the circus life. When he and his circus comes to a small town there is a carnival called the Lost Carnival where he meets the mysterious Luciana. From there, things unfold. I wasn't blown away or surprised by anything (I saw everything coming.) but it was still an enjoyable read. For me this was really a character-driven book. I liked the characters. I liked the characters' developments and the relationship grows. I really loved the art style, there was just something about it that drew me in, make the world strong. 


Ever After by Olivia Vieweg is a graphic novel that followers two travelers in a world of the undead. I don't read zombie stuff, but I was drawn to the art on the cover. I did enjoy the art style and look forward to more by them. However, seeing as I am not a fan of zombie the story was good. It was a fast read and did enjoy the relationship between, Vivi and Eva, and how things unfold and play out. Overall, I wasn't blown away from the book but there were things I did enjoy. So if you like zombies, female relationships, and one of a kind art styles; then you may enjoy this book.   

 So, we meet the lead girl, Daphne, and her best friend in Missoula, Montana; they are saying goodbye because Daphne is leaving for college. But they get in a fight when her friend says she shouldn't go to college in L.A. just because her boyfriend goes there. From there we follow Daphne to L.A. and things seem alright as first but when things get heard she sets out to explore the city and ends up coming upon a hunted manor called Rycroft Manor and meets real ghosts. This is a story of starting to find out who you are, (Seeing as it's Vol 1, most self-discovery to come. At less I hope.) I enjoyed this book, I wasn't crazy about every character but there were some characters I did like and can't wait to learn more about them latter. The story had a plot, but to me, this is more a character-driven story. The art was my favorite part of this graphic novel, I like the color choices, how it shows the characters feelings is well done. Overall, I did like this story and I am willing to give Vol 2 a try. 

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