About Me
Hello and thank you us for stopping by!
The 'About Me' is one of the hardest parts of a blog or any site. I never know if I'm saying to much or not. Where to start, or end. When I'm over sharing to much or need to say more. But the part I like about the 'About Me' is that it's about me a topic that, over many years, I've learned and explored. Becoming a person whom I like. A young writer who’s taking her first steps of sharing her writings with the world. The truth is, it scares me to death. There's a quote “If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough.” So, I guess my dreams are big enough.
On my blog I show support for two amazing organization Girls Write and Kind Campaign. I believe in both of the message they stand for. Girls Write is a program that teaches girls the power of their words. How words can change their life. As for Kind Campaign is an organization to help stop girls bulling each others. I was bullied in school, so this one is close to my heart. I believe in both of them and hope one day I can help, but for now I'm spreading the word.
That's all for now, just a bit about me. Not much about how I became me or why I am me. But the things I love. Things I see and feel are important. My blog is a part of who I am. Learning to share my works with the world. One post at a time, I won't give up, as long as it makes me happy, I'll tell the stories that come to me.
Well, welcome to my blog,
KayCee K.