[Quiz] Which Divergent Series Character Are You?

7:00 AM

Which Divergent Series Character Are You?

I got....

For 30 % you are: You are Christina! She is funny and loyal. You are dependable and eventually forgiving.
20 % of 104902 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

You could also get this result:
For 30 % you are: You are Tris! She only has 6 fears! You are Divergent and care about loved ones. Profile B

Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: You are Cara! She is very smart. You care about friends and family, but also are willing to take a stand for what you believe in. Profile C

Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: You are Johanna! She is kind, but powerful. You may seem simple and caring on the outside, but inside, you are strong-willed and will take risks. Profile D

Or even this one:
For 0 % you are: You are Jeanine! She is ruthless and coldly intelligent. You believe you have good intentions, but others don't. Profile E

 My Thoughts! 

I took one other character quiz and got Four (See last weeks post.) Basically, I'm Four, Christina and Tris smashed together! I do see how I am a mix of all of these characters. This is also why I believe I would Divergent because I don't fit into one area or like just one character.

Please feel free to take the quiz and share it here with me! I'd love to know what you go!

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