Creepy-ish Reads - Friday the 13th - Halloween Book List
10:13 AM

The leaves are changing, pumpkin spice is in everything, and the sweet-tooth's are getting ready with all that comes the chills and scary of the October air. For me, I don't read or watch many things that scary. It's just something I don't really enjoy but with it being Friday the 13th and the season of spooks and boo's, I knew it was time for me to set up a 'scary' book list. So, theses are the 'scariest' books I've read. I use scariest as a very light term.
Stalking Jack the Ripper, is hands down my favorite dark'n'spooky read!
I love everything about this from the characters to the writing. The speed of this book sprinkle the creepy and eerie moments out perfectly! If you havn't read this, you could read it at a better time then now in the crisp air of October!
I have a fear of birds... and if you have read this book then you know why it freaked me out. That is all I am going to say about it. No spoilers from me, but this was one of the most different books I've ever read!
This book and book one is on the list because there are a few parts that was just full on creepy! Spine-tingling writing that makes this book a must read on a dark Halloween night!
This book is Middle Grade, but it still has chilling and creepy parts that made it a fun read. Looking for a book to read to you siblings or the kid your baby-sitting than give this one a go, it just enough of a freaky read for this time of year.
You can never go wrong with a Edgar Allan Poe book! He's one of my favorite writers. Dark'n'Creep beautiful writing, there's nothing better than a well written that gives you the shivers too.