One Lovely Blog Award

12:32 AM

♥♥♥ I received the One Lovely Blog Award! ♥♥♥

Here are the rules for accepting this award:

• First, you thank the person who nominated you for the award.

Thank you so much to the lovely author Krysten Lindsay Hager for blessing me today with this nominated! And you can check out her blog at:

• Then, you add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post.

• Share 7 things about yourself.

• Nominate up to 15 bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog.

♥♥7 things people might not know about me...

1 ~ I've traveled to about 30 states, Alaska all the way to the lower states.
2 ~ I've read the Harry Potter books more then just once. What can I say there are the best!
3 ~ I don't drive, I walk everywhere. Save money but the plant too!
4 ~ 80% of the time I fall asleep to WWE or at less watch a few hours of it before bed. (haha... no I'm not a fan not at all and no I'm not obsessed with it, no not at all. ;) )
5 ~ I own over fifty different kinds and colors of nail polish! About six or seven different purple colors.
6 ~ I love 80's Rock Music.. Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, KISS, Poison, and more!
7 ~ When talking I use the words 'dude' & 'sick.' I lot! Those are two of my favorite words, could be because of the 90's or just me, but dude I love those words their just so sick! ;)

I'm nominating the following!


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