- Blogmas Day 7 - Bookish Podcast to Play During Holiday Break -
9:00 AM
I LOVE Podcasts! I've been a podcast listener for years, I was around 14 when I heard my first Podcast it was MuggleCast (if you don't know that is a Harry Potter podcast, surprise! But it's still going & still madly in love with it)
Podcast are great to play when busy cooking, making blog posts and cleaning. Either I'm read, listing to an audiobook, watching TV or playing a podcast!
What are some of your favorite Podcast?

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Unbinding books to get to their heart
with Ariel Bissett.
Welcome to Witch, Please, a fortnightly podcast in which two lady scholars reread the entire Harry Potter series, rewatch all the movies, and discuss them for their own amusement. You can listen too.

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The Reading Women podcast is bi-weekly show where women discuss books by or about women.

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Chatting about All Things 'Outlander'!

MuggleCast is the most-listened to Harry Potter podcast online, and the only one to release on a regular and timely schedule. Pioneering the Harry Potter podcast phenomenon in August 2005, MuggleCast has continued to bring its listeners the most entertaining and thought-provoking discussions. With each new episode we discuss everything Harry Potter: the latest news, the Potter books, Fantastic Beasts, The Cursed Child, and more!