
- Disney Read-A-Long - TBR - May 19th to 25th -

3:00 AM


Reading Challenges
42279745254943431.The Beast - Read a beast of a book (500+ pages) - I'm ready to take on the 668 page long book... I will be bouncing between the paperback and audiobook. I should be able to finish it this month. 

2.Flower - Read a book with black and white on the cover - This is the most black and white cover that I have, that is not a book I haven't read yet. I've been wanting to read this one for a long time, and can't wait to dive into it. 

28954189161508303.Meet the Robinsons - Read a book set in the future - Sccythe is going to be an amazing read!! 

4.The Incredibles - Read a book featuring a character(s) with magical/superhuman abilities - I can;t wait to read Never Fade, I am becuase such a fan of Alexandra Bracken!

b3bbb1b9a986fca6fa22bf7baf3d80510312642970-01-L5.Tangled - Read the original Rapunzel fairytale and watch it’s adaptation, Tangled - Cress or The Golden Braid I don't know if I want to do a re-read or read something new so I have two down for this challenge! 

And I may change out books, if I want to read something other then these, but this is what is looks like now. What are you reading for the Disney Read-a-Long?


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