
- TinkerActive - Perfect Summer Learning Fun -

3:00 AM


Tinkeractive-Second-Grade-MathTitle: TINKERACTIVE WORKBOOKS
Author: Various Authors & Illustrators
Pub. Date: May 14, 2019
Publisher: Odd Dot
Formats: Paperback
Pages: Differs per workbook
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonB&NTBD

Tinker, make, and engineer to learn through play! With TinkerActive Workbooks, learning leaps off the page and into the real world. Start with interactive and entertaining exercises that cover the essential kindergarten, 1st Grade, & 2nd Grade, math, science, and problem-solving skills. Then, apply what you’ve learned in exciting hands-on tinkering, making, and engineering activities that utilize only common household materials. Plus, the charming cast of characters, the MotMots, guide kids through every new concept with cheer and humor. Once you've completed the workbook, unbox a collectible magnet hidden in the back cover!

Vetted by award-winning educators, TinkerActive Workbooks are designed for all learners. They build your child’s fundamental math & science skills AND inspire them to try new things, discover new skills, and imagine new possibilities.

5 Stars
This is an amazing work book, I gave it to my little who loves learning. I like that it has hand on projects that help grow and teach. The pages are thik the book is well made with bright colors. This is a great one. It is perfect for summer as its fun! It comes many different topics. I would like to get the whole set for my brother.  


3 winners will receive their choice of one of the TINKERACTIVE WORKBOOKS, US Only.

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Tour Schedule:
Week One:
5/20/2019- Lifestyle of MeReview- 1st Grade
5/21/2019- The suburban lifestyleReview- 2nd Grade
5/22/2019- The Pages In-BetweenReview- Kindergarten
5/23/2019- Do You Dog-ear?Review- Kindergarten
5/24/2019- ⒾⓃⓉⓇⓄⓈⓅⒺⒸⓉⒾⓋⒺ ⓅⓇⒺⓈⓈReview- Kindergarten

Week Two:
5/27/2019- 100 Pages A DayReview- 1st Grade
5/28/2019- Wonder StruckReview- 2nd Grade
5/29/2019- BookHoundsReview- 1st Grade
5/30/2019- Two Chicks on BooksSpotlight- All Workbooks
5/31/2019- Little Red ReadsReview- 2nd Grade

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