
- TBR Bingoathon Readathon - May 12th to May 18th -

7:30 AM



Time for another readathon. A bingo one, simple & easy. I have picked books for each spot because I don't know what ones I plan on doing so, here are all the ones I picked and we'll just have to wait to see what ones I choose to read. I will be starting this on the 13th as it is my mum birthday on the 12th and I will be spending the day with her &  other family members.

36484081Anticipated Book - These Witches Don't Burn. I've been dying to read this one, we follow Hannah's whos a witch who can control Elementals who lives in Salem, Massachusetts. That's all I needed to know to pull me into this book.

411503255 Stars Prediction- Stronger Than a Bronze Dragon. First, can we talk about this cover? I am just crazy about the beautiful artwork. This story has mechanical dragons, a female character taking charge & epic fantasy!

39679076Favorite Genre - YA - House of Salt and Sorrows. First, this covers it one of my newest all-time favorites because it's ocean yet creepy, magic. "In a manor by the sea, twelve sisters are cursed." and this mystery, balls, deaths.

44317325Pink and/or blue on the cover - Voices of Powerful Women. Words of wisdom from 40 of the world's most inspiring women. I enjoy reading books like this. I'm hoping this one is very truthful and full of meaning!

40062683Diverse Reps - Immoral Code! "Nari isn’t about to let her friend’s dreams be squashed by a deadbeat billionaire, so she hatches a plan to steal..." it for her friends. This sounds like it's going to be a crazy read and full of freind.

35879387Cover Buy - The Price Guide to the Occult. I'm not sure what this is about, and I wanna keep it that way. But I have seen mix reviews on it, some love while other not so much. But it's a quick read and I got it because of the cover.

43723509New to Me Author - SLAY - It says that it's "Ready Player One meets The Hate U Give"! I mean what more do you need? It's a female, video gamer developer; it also deals with a murder that happens over the game, & more! I can't wait to read this one, for sure!

40590407Very New/Old on TBR - Romanov. Historical Retelling, Saving family & magic. TThat's all I know and that's all I need to know about this book. This is one I've had my eye on for the first time I learned about it. It comes out this month and I need to read it NOW!

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