Fanfic? Why? See my points...
7:50 PM Fanfic? Fanfiction? Doesn't matter
what you call it, there are people, a lot, who look down upon it.
It's a fact. No covering the truth or try to hide, I know it and you
know it. I'm not writing this to say you have to like it, that's your
choice. I respect your choice, not lying, I do. But I've read and
talked to people that's have had people post or tell them that
they're not real writers, that their stories are stupid. The point of
writing, to me at less, is to bring people together. No matter what
the story is. Not matter, who wrote it or the topic. Writing means
“the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and
composing text.” (From goggle) To me, I believe that writing is
putting words together that brings feelings, tells a story and makes
you think.