"Strings" Author Kat Green Blog Tour
2:38 AM

Book Blurb – The rise of the Black Eagles was meteoric, from band practice in the garage to global stars almost overnight. And Melissa Webb, the beautiful girlfriend of the front man, appeared to have it all. But when Luke Black disappears without a trace and Melissa wakes up in a hospital bed after a savage attack, her perfect world is shattered and their lives are plunged into a potentially deadly crisis. Where is Luke, and can he be found before it is too late?
Melissa was also a big part of his plans. It surprised him when he thought about it, because with past girlfriends, his focus had never been diverted from his musical goals. More than once, this was the reason that his relationships ended. It wasn’t selfishness on his part, or at least he didn’t think it was. It was just that he’d never been with someone who he had pictured in his long-term plans. But she was in all of them now. He’d always found the thought of spending your life with one person a bit scary – never being close to another person or having that exciting feeling of a new relationship. But she’d changed all that. It may have been only a month, but he knew she was the one he wanted to be with. The fact that his friends seemed to like her too was a bonus; there had been one or two girls in the past who hadn’t fitted in – usually too wrapped up in themselves to bother getting to know his mates. They were the people he spent most of his time with, and he was nothing without them – they were like family. Melissa had just slotted into the role of being his girlfriend so effortlessly, and vice versa. It just seemed natural. His plans for his future and the band’s therefore naturally included her – it was as though she was their fifth member, even though she didn’t sing or play an instrument. He trusted her and valued her opinion, so it meant a lot to him that she approved of what they did.
He was still awake, his thoughts flying around in his head. He decided that he needed to hear her voice, to settle him down and put that tiny bit of doubt out of his mind. So he dialled her number.
‘Are you worrying?’ She sounded sleepy when she answered.
‘A little – everyone’s asleep, but I can’t shut off.’
‘Can you get to me?’
‘Of course, babe. I’ll be there in half an hour.’ He knew he should be sleeping, but there was only one place he wanted to be right now. He called a taxi, leaving a note for his sleeping band mates to pick him up from her house in the morning. He just hoped they could be trusted to get up on time.

Kat Green was born Nov 1979 into a military family, and moved around alot during her childhood. This shaped her into the person she is today. At ease with meeting new people and adapting to new surroundings. Her family roots are from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. Kat now lives with her husband and son on the south coast of England, Portsmouth. She doesn’t pretend to be the best, and is still growing as a writer and having fun along the way. She loves books and has a busy imagination. Her love for music plays a big part in her first nove, Strings, and she can be found mainly at gigs around the UK. In 2010 she lost her mother to blood cancer and it was time to put her words on a page and stop worrying about what people might say, ‘Life is too short and precious to waste’ is her motto. Writing is her passion and her escape. If you like what she does, she says ‘Thank you!’ For those who don’t, she says ‘Thanks for giving her a chance.’
Melissa was also a big part of his plans. It surprised him when he thought about it, because with past girlfriends, his focus had never been diverted from his musical goals. More than once, this was the reason that his relationships ended. It wasn’t selfishness on his part, or at least he didn’t think it was. It was just that he’d never been with someone who he had pictured in his long-term plans. But she was in all of them now. He’d always found the thought of spending your life with one person a bit scary – never being close to another person or having that exciting feeling of a new relationship. But she’d changed all that. It may have been only a month, but he knew she was the one he wanted to be with. The fact that his friends seemed to like her too was a bonus; there had been one or two girls in the past who hadn’t fitted in – usually too wrapped up in themselves to bother getting to know his mates. They were the people he spent most of his time with, and he was nothing without them – they were like family. Melissa had just slotted into the role of being his girlfriend so effortlessly, and vice versa. It just seemed natural. His plans for his future and the band’s therefore naturally included her – it was as though she was their fifth member, even though she didn’t sing or play an instrument. He trusted her and valued her opinion, so it meant a lot to him that she approved of what they did.
He was still awake, his thoughts flying around in his head. He decided that he needed to hear her voice, to settle him down and put that tiny bit of doubt out of his mind. So he dialled her number.
‘Are you worrying?’ She sounded sleepy when she answered.
‘A little – everyone’s asleep, but I can’t shut off.’
‘Can you get to me?’
‘Of course, babe. I’ll be there in half an hour.’ He knew he should be sleeping, but there was only one place he wanted to be right now. He called a taxi, leaving a note for his sleeping band mates to pick him up from her house in the morning. He just hoped they could be trusted to get up on time.
Arctic Monkeys – I wanna be yours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4NGoS330HE Paramore – Anklebiters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnZTgYbdMdI
Q1: How old were you when you started playing guitar?
LB: I was Twelve. My mum gave me Chloe, my acoustic guitar on my twelve birthday. That guitar is like another best friend, if anything ever happened to her it would be tragic. And, people better hide for a few weeks. I have poured my heart out with her. I think she knows more about me than anyone.
Q2: What was the first song that you wrote? And, Why?
LB: Pink Ribbons was my first song. Chloe, was my first best friend, we meet when we were 5, even then I had an eye for the girls. ( Luke laughs, but then frowns.) She died in a house fire on her seventh birthday, her death impacted on me so much. I was 7 years old and I didn’t understand it, how could she be gone. I had all these things I wanted to say, and I didn’t know how to. So, I didn’t and I locked her away. The guitar came along and suddenly I found an outlet. Turns out, I’m pretty good at it. It was the only way I could move on and accept it. But, without letting her go completely, it was after writing that song I decided to name my guitar after her.
Q3: If Chloe was still alive, do you think she would be your girlfriend?
LB: I often ask myself that. I don’t know if she would have been in my life romantically, but as a friend, Yes. I would do anything to have her back. A part of me thinks she was removed to allow me to meet Melissa, or maybe not. I don’t know, and I guess I never will understand it. Why people do stupid things for fun, and ultimately end a life. She is my little Angel who I believe has always been with me. I’ve never forgotten her. She’s be a riot though, she was funny even at 6, and I know I loved her.
Q4: If you were not in a band or doing anything music related. What job would you be doing?
LB: I would still be working in a petrol station. Dying of boredom. I try not to think about it. I’m doing the only thing I want to do and have any skill in and it’s the best thing in the world. I’m the happiest person in the world when I’m on stage.
Q5: What was it like to go from playing to 20 people in a pub to what you’re doing now?
LB: Mind blowing, insane and I am still in shock. Everyone dreams of it but not everyone gets it. I am so thankful for every fan we have, we have some incredible fans. Some have been with us from the very start. Some have become friends. It’s nice.
Q6: What song is your favourite to perform?
LB: That’s easy ‘Weekend High’ I wrote that when I was twenty after a really bad relationship. It wasn’t really a relationship but at the time I didn’t see it, it was just convenience and there was no love there. Also, the fans go nuts to it.
Q7: Which gig has been your favorite so far?
LB: Now, that is harder to answer because every gig is amazing for all kinds of reasons. I don’t think it would be fair to choose one. That is like saying to one set of fans ‘Oh you were great’ and make other fans feel like you are dissing them. But, for sentimental reasons our third gig at Ruby’s back home will always be special. I meet my Liss there and it was what changed everything for me, and us as a band.
Q8: It’s a Saturday night and you’re not on tour. What would you be doing?
LB: I don’t see my girlfriend very much, so we would either be catching up at home. (Luke winks and laughs) or I would be writing new material. I don’t really have spare time. I feel like I always have something to work on, or prepare for. When I’m on tour that is like my party time, and when I’m home I try to calm down from it all.
Q9: Who is your best friend?
LB: My band are my best mates but the ultimate title goes to Dale. He’s always there for me even when I’m being a dick, we’ve know each other for about 100 years. He’s a fucking ace best friend and he’s not a bad guitarist either.
Q10: What would you like to say to your fans about the gossip that surrounds you?
LB: That most of it is complete and utter Bollocks. If you haven’t heard it from me the chances are it isn’t true. And, Just to clarify the latest story. The band are not splitting up. My girlfriend isn’t sleeping with my drummer, doesn’t have a drink problem and isn’t pregnant. Whoever writes this crap are fucking idiots. I don’t care what they write about me, but I do care when my girlfriend is sobbing because people are calling her all kinds of things in the street or online.
Q11: What annoys you about being in the limelight?
LB: Before I answer this I’d like to say that for band reasons I have no problem with it. Being in front of people with all eyes on me is part of my job. It’s important to my career. What I don’t understand is people’s need to lie. As, I just stated in my last answer. What is the point of it? What is entertaining about making up stories that my girlfriend is sleeping with one of my band, not cool. My band are very close to Melissa, like her big brothers and that’s the end of it. Plus, do you really think Toby would still be in the band? No, he’d be out on his arse if he betrayed me like that. I wouldn’t still be with Melissa either, do people really think I’m a mug and would allow that? No. I wouldn’t.
Q12: Do you have any regrets?
LB: Yes. I would rather not say as it’s something that is causing me issues currently and I wish I could turn the clocks back so I never meet this person. That’s all I’m willing to say.
Q13: What would you say annoys others about you?
LB: I’m a perfectionist. I drive everyone mad at times. We could have completely nailed a song but I will be thinking about making it better. I worry about things more then the others. There have been times where I’m trying to change a set list minutes before a show and that winds people up.
Q14: Would you change anything about the band?
LB: Hell no! We’re in a good place and there’s nobody else I would consider doing this with. They are my best mates and we have a laugh and without them I would be nowhere. Anyway, I don’t think anyone else would put up with me.
Q15: Dale dates Melissa’s best friend and you met each other on the same night. Is it difficult , best friends dating best friends?
LB: Apart from the fact the girls are pretty much joined at the hip, meaning I never get rid of Dale.. Nah, I’m kidding. To be honest the girls are more rock and roll than we are. Beth is great and she makes my BF happy and it’s nice to know they look after each other when we’re on the road.
Q16: You have 48 hours to live. What would you do?
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